It could be foreclosure, it could be having the family law system capture you and your spouse so they can milk you dry. It could be your local school which seems intent on destroying your handicapped child. Or it could be coping with the psychopath who has targeted you and is doing all in their power to destroy your life and reputation.
These things happen. You are not alone, believe us, we will not be surprised.
The reason corruption continues, in our courts, in government, in the banks and corporations and in our personal lives is because most people don't know. You are told not to talk about your case until after it is litigated.
A lot of good that does you when the system is fixed. Take it to the People allows you to take your story to the People directly. Those responsible are asked to comment, respond to evidence, and speak up. And here, you learn a lot about them they never expected would be come known. Dig, dig, dig.
And the members of the jury can comment after the verdict is in. Sometimes, the real solution, like the Devil, is in the details.
Tell us your story and include your contact information. May God Bless and keep you!